"The Paper" Film Review

10:49 AM

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

By Kristen Watson

The Paper is a film about Penn State University's school newspaper, The Daily Collegian and their day-to-day workings. I think the film did a really good job showing all of the different aspects of writing for a school publication. The stress, the anger, the frustration. 

The major issues presented in the film were their declining readership, a non-diverse staff, and angry students, issues many papers across the nation are dealing with today. 

Getting in touch with and dealing with sources is one of the main hurdles a journalist must jump through to get anything done. At the Collegian, their journalists tackled this obstacle by staying persistent, calling multiple times, using email and reassuring weary sources that their participation and cooperation are important.    

Journalists jobs require them to serve the readers and not themselves and I think The Collegian did a pretty good job of that. They pushed administrators for information, got the interviews they needed and urge each other to talk about the things not everyone might want on the front page. 

The thing that bugged me the most about this film was the team’s news judgment. The editor in chief, James Young, deemed a student hit by a car and sexual assault to not be newsworthy.  Both topics are issues that need to be addressed in the paper, no matter how many times it may happen on campus. He also allowed a racial slur to be published in the letters to the editor and I just think they should have still published it, but censored the slur.

I most identified with rookie reporter, Kapir Patel. I’m still pretty new to writing for a paper and going out to do your reporting. I feel his excitement and ambition to do something great. I also really identified with the frustration you feel when you feel really strongly about a story being published and then be shut down.

Overall, I thought this film did a really good job portraying the chaos, tears and joys of a newsroom full of inexperienced student journalists.  

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