Dirty Wars

8:53 AM

“Dirty Wars,” is a documentary that follows war correspondent Jeremy Scahill that has sparked controversy surrounding secret operations in Middle Eastern countries. After seeing the film, I believe that Scahill shows, through his film, the core journalism principals of verification, duty to the public and honesty in his reporting.

Any journalist in a foreign country will deal with the struggle of digging up the truth beneath all the lies some so willingly tell. In his quest for journalistic truth, Scahill runs into many obstacles including lying sources, misleading press releases, and restricted access to government officials. Scahill overcame all of these by going straight to the source and getting many different accounts of the same event, many times along with video or photo proof. Risking his life in the process, he ventured into territory no other journalist attempted and therefore discovered a story no one knew was there.

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